Thursday, November 12, 2009

How do I get radiology certified if not done dental assisting in 7years?

Contact the local vo tech school and see if they have a dental radiology course. You will certainly need a refresher course.

Or, if you feel confident, at least they can tell you who to contact in your state for exam information.

How do I get radiology certified if not done dental assisting in 7years?
Depends on where you are. There's different laws in each state. You may just have to pass the written (or computerized) state board test or you may have to pass the test and send in an FMX that was performed in accordance with your state's code; like at an authorized school or with a certified instructor present. Maybe you're in a state where you just need to pay a recertification fee. Look up your states rules through the ADAA website.

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