Saturday, November 14, 2009

New dental technique or exhibit an unusual case.. Any ideas??

I'm in a dental assisting program and I am required to be a presenter at the 2008 Scientific Table Clinics for Star of the South Dental Meeting.

New dental technique or exhibit an unusual case.. Any ideas??
Just a few ideas off the top of my head:

In preventive dentistry, how about the use of 5% NaF varnish (Duraphat) for treatment of sensitivity and increased resistance to decay?

In restorative dentistry, how about CAD-CAM restorations such as Cerec (made by Sirona)

Soft tissue use of lasers--for periodontal disease, for treatment of oral ulcers?

These are the high-tech, sexy topics (like digital x-rays)--I don't know how commercial they want you to be with this--but it's easy to get information from the manufacturers of the x-ray systems, Cerec, laser companies, etc. Just make sure what info you get from the companies is balanced by some good clinical studies from peer-reviewed journals.

Good luck,

Steve Bornfeld, DDS

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